We are a family-owned husky farm which offers various activities with huskies! You can be sure to find something fun for everyone, be it whole families, couples, solo guests or groups visiting us. Huskies’ comfort is our passion and one the most important key aspects of our farm, and we love showing our ways of living to you through authentic and unique experience here in our beautiful natural environment.
Read about our philosophy here.
Powerun Adventures is located next to Ylläs fell, near Äkäslompolo and Ylläsjärvi villages. Our location is near Kittilä airport and Kolari train station. Click here for details on location.
On our tours you will get to enjoy the best sceneries on exciting routes, amongst energetic, happy huskies. Welcome to Powerun Adventures!
Einzigartiges Erlebnis! - Das war ein absolut einzigartiges Erlebnis - würde ich jederzeit gerne wiederholen! Tolle Hunde, tolle Leute und tolle Organisation! Sehr leckeres Mittagessen am Feuer (Lachssuppe und heisser Beerensaft). Ein echtes... read more Abenteuer das man nur weiterempfehlen kann! Danke vielmals!!
Pre booked this excursion with our hotel Yllashumina which was a 15 minute drive from our hotel into the middle of a huge forest of high heavy snow laden trees.... read more Once at the farm which is very well kept, modern yet fits perfectly into its surroundings. To start you are shown how to control the sleigh which is very simple and easy to do. The dogs are very noisy and just want to run and run and run....... Once kitted up, I advise you bring inner and out gloves, goggles, Balaclava or similar like a gator. If you want to video a GoPro on a head band is best as it is very cold and taking your gloves off to operate a smart phone at 30km an hour is not recommended. There are two types of sleigh, individual and pair. The latter, one person drives while the other sits wrapped in furs. The drive is about 20 km with a half way swop to change over driver / passenger. The route consist of cross country, up hill and down Dale, twists rising and falling trails, with open areas across frozen lakes and swamps. The dogs keep running on and on and on never tiring, always wanting to go faster and faster. Once back at the husky camp you help to unleash the dogs after which they are feed and watered. Then it’s our turn as you all enter a wood cabin with a huge log fire for mhot blueberry juice and home made snacks and learn about the dogs and their welfare which is at a very high standard. All in all it was a great experience being close to nature and interacting with the dogs. …
Highlight unserer Lapplandreise - Wir haben die Huskysafari über unser Hotel Ylläshumina gebucht und es war ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Die Huskyfarm mit ca. 50 Hunden wird von Sanna und Riku mit viel Liebe geführt,... read more die Gruppen sind immer klein, die ca. 20km lange Huskysafari durch die verschneite Wald- und Moorlandschaft mit dem 4er (bei Einzelschlitten) bis 6er (bei Zweierschlitten) Hundegespann war sehr eindrücklich. Zurück in der Farm genossen wir einen warmen Beerensaft und finnisches Gebäck am Feuer in der heimeligen Holzhütte.
An alle die "klein aber fein" dem "Massentourismusprogramm" vorziehen!